Improving Air Quality in Your San Antonio Office
Offices can get stuffy and also lead to an unsafe environment for not only the workers, but also the clients. Improving the air quality is not all that difficult just by following some simple steps.
Schedule a cleaning with your local expert today.
Keep the air registers clean. When the registers accumulate dust, they spread it throughout the entire office. Avoid closing the registers and keep them open. This helps to circulate the throughout the entire office.
Bring the Outdoors in
Adding natural plant life to an office has many benefits besides looking nice. They help to absorb toxins while releasing oxygen into the air. They are a natural air purifier.
Keep it Clean
Clean the office regularly. Regular dusting and vacuuming helps to keep dust down that can be spread all throughout the office. This also includes the products you use to clean that can leave contaminates in the air.
Test the Air
Have the air quality tested often. Air quality can include: mold growth, humidity, airflow, water damage and other contaminates in the air. Regular testing will let you know in what direction you are heading with air quality control.
Call or contact us and we can work out an individualized plan just for you. We work with you in order to find out your needs and even make recommendations on some things that might even be overlooked. Angel Maids professional cleaning crews are trained, insured and are taught to work to the highest standards in all that they do. Find out why we are the utmost professionals in cleaning throughout San Antonio and surrounding areas.